At The Movies | Be careful How You Live | Pastor Veronica Hanash

Conversation Starters:

  • Within the realm of one’sSpiritual relationship with God, do you believe absolute truth is subjective”(True according to what one believes or rationalizes as true) or authoritative(A directive that’s not up for debate) – (Explain your answer.)
  • How do you balance the truths of this world with God’s Sovereign Word? (Which truth do you choose most often, the world’s truth – which includes self, or the truth of God through His Word?)
  • Are there any specific truth(s) that you’re living the world’s way that you know you need to start living God’s Way? (Do you know what steps you need to take to make the shift(s)?)


1.) Read Ephesians 5:15-17 NIV Pastor Veronica said using God’s Word as a weapon against others is wrong. We shouldn’t be living our lives with a critical eye toward life or toward others. When we do, we can end up living our lives foolishly in four primary ways:

What truth truly matters the most? (Are you allowing the temporal to outweigh the Spiritual?)

How does God show us to balance a critical spirit? (None of us are without sin or without the need for a Savior. Extend grace. Forgive freely. Prevail with mercy. Conquer with Love.)

Given a choice, would you choose to React Emotionally or “Respond Biblically” as your lifestyle choice?  (Explain your choice and the why behind your decision.)

What pitfalls can we fall into when we choose to “Follow Culture” over the Word of God?

2.) Read Ephesians 5:15-17 NIV Pastor Veronica shared three ways we can live wisely:

  • Understanding “God’s Perspective”: Isaiah 55:8-9 & 1st Corinthians 13:12 NIV (I know “In Part”, not all.)
  • Surrender your “Judgment” to God: Matthew 7:1-2, 1st Peter 3:15, and 1 Thessalonians 4:11 NIV (Refuse to give out tickets of your judgment to other people)
  • Focus on living “Your Own Life”: Psalm 90:12 NIV (Decide to live the life God calls you to. You are creating the slides of your life each day. Create them to glorify God and be a blessing to those in your life and within the circle of influence you have.)

What do you think will help you understand God’s Perspectives better?

What in your life is not surrendered to God? (What are your steps to surrender?)

What do you think is the biggest step God is calling you to take during this season? (Are you delaying in taking the step(s)? What is the delay costing you and those around you?)


Apply It:

      To be good one must be led by He who is good. We must come to a place in our lives where we know what we need to surrender and give up so we can pursue what we need to surrender ourselves to. If we misplace our surrender, the costs to us can be devastating not only to us personally but to those we come into contact with. We only know “In Part.” For us to make our decisions with partial knowledge is foolish. This is precisely why surrendering to God, trusting Him, and giving ourselves wholly to Him is never a wrong decision. To obey God’s Word is to obey what is good. How much pain must one endure to come to the realization that their way isn’t right and God’s Way is? Choose this day whom you will serve and be all about living out the lifestyle God has called you to. We cannot be double minded for a double minded person is unstable in all their ways. We are already set free in Christ and the victory is ours. Choose each day to take the steps God directs you to take. Sometimes it may be scary or feel uneasy, but assuredly, God’s Way is better and the end will be much better than the beginning. God wants all of us to grow and reach the potential He created for us to live out during our lifetime. Choose to give your yes and amen to what is good. Say yes to all that God has for you to fulfill His perfect will in your life and in the lives of others.


Prayer Requests and Closing Prayer:

Ask your group members if they have a prayer request. Write them down and continue to pray for them during the week:

Father, what we know as truth is so vital to our survival. Deception and denial fuel our doubt. Doubt then becomes the barrier that blocks us from Your purpose. We are not enough by ourselves. You created us to be with You Lord, not separate from You. In You Father we cannot have any reservations or hesitations in what You call us to do or live-out in our lifestyles. You call us to greater and to a goodness that’s beyond ourselves. Life isn’t about the one or self. You’ve given each of us victory in Christ Jesus so our war is already won. Spiritually we are Kingdom Citizens. Give us the courage to pursue the truth so we will know the truth. When we hear the truth, give us the fortitude to live-out the truth – not based upon what’s good and comfortable for us in our own minds, but by what Your Sovereign Word declares. You already know every answer to every problem we’ll face Lord. Help us realize what’s good for us Lord God and help us stand steadfast in You through Christ no matter what. Have Your Way in our lives Father – for You are good and intended good for us before You ever created us. In You Lord God we trust. In You Lord we place our reliance. In You Father we fulfill our destiny and leave our legacy. We give our yes and amen for Your Will in our lives, in Christ we pray, amen.