As a group leader, you are entrusted to care for people in different seasons of life, now this may seem like a daunting task or you may even think that you’re not qualified to do this. Let me tell you this, YOU ARE! 

God has chosen you to care for people and to point them to Jesus! You are ultimately an extension of God’s love and are in a perfect position to speak life into many lives. While there are many countless ways to care for people, there are three essential things people need when they are going through a challenging season:


  • Guidance back to Jesus. It can sometimes become very easy for someone to take their eyes off Jesus. Life has this funny way of throwing off our focus on the one who can sustain us through the trials of life. As a group leader, it is important to remember that we ultimately are not counselors. We are to point people back to Jesus and His word. God speaks to every aspect of our lives and wants to be the source of strength we rely on in difficult times. 


  • Consistent community. There is absolutely no way we were meant to do life alone. God saw this problem in the beginning with Adam. Think about it, Adam had a perfect world with God. Yet, God looked at Adam and said it was not good for him to be alone. As a group leader, it is very important to make sure that your group members are having consistent attendance throughout the group season. Especially when someone misses a week. It is important that either you or your co-leader reaches out and let’s them know that they were missed!


  • Hope. You’ve probably heard this saying, “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only one second without hope.” When someone in your group is going through a rough season, be sure to deposit hope in their lives. Practical ways of depositing hope are: Sending an encouraging text message, making a gift basket, writing a handwritten letter, etc. You have been entrusted to speak powerful words that can change the future of many lives. Take advantage of the opportunity and spread hope to your group!